Doctoral Students
Jasmine Weber-Pierson
B. S. 2019 SUNY Geneseo
M.Sc. 2021 Linnaeus University
Thesis: Potential exposure of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) to agricultural pollutants in Europe: an investigation of mallard space use, utilization of the agricultural landscape, and potential exposure to pesticides
Advisors: Mariëlle van Toor and Jonas Waldenström
Research: Habitat use, competition, distribution, and their management implications for the three species of geese found in Illinois
Dr. Michael Eichholz
Avian and Wetland Ecologist, Cooperative Wildlife Research Lab
Professor, School of Biological Sciences
B. S. 1990 Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
M. S. 1996 University of Alaska Fairbanks
Thesis: Body size, individual quality, and regulation of incubation in Black Brant.
Major Advisor: Dr. James Sedinger
Ph. D. 2001 University of Alaska Fairbanks
Dissertation: The implications of agriculture in Interior Alaska for population dynamics of Canada Geese
Major Advisor: Dr. James Sedinger
Alex Glass
B. A. 2012 Eckerd College
Research: Grassland community responses to vegetation structure, patch size, and management actions
Master's Students
Blake Baum
B. S. 2019 Southern Illinois University
Research: Landscape characteristics and raptor abundance influences on Northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) winter survival and habitat selection in Southern Illinois
Christopher Gilbert
B. S. 2018 University of Maine, Orono
Research: Investigating the effects of non-consumptive recreation on the distribution, abundance, and behavior of non-breeding waterfowl
Ashlee Minor
B. S. 2009 Southeastern Louisiana University
M. S. 2014 Nichols State University
Thesis: Forested freshwater wetland responses to secondarily treated municipal effluent discharge
Major Advisor: Dr. Aaron Pierce
Research: Influence of landscape and vegetation cover on breeding bird productivity and community ecology in the Prairie Pothole Region
John O'Connell
B. S. 2005 University of Miami
M. S. 2008 Florida Institute of Technology
Thesis: Otolith microchemisty and otolith morphometrics of juvenile tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) collected from sites in Florida and Grand Cayman
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Shenker
Research: Estimating wetland inundation extent and patterns in Illinois
Ben Hendrickson
B. A. 2016 University of Missouri-Columbia
Research: Abundance, and habitat selection of breeding Mississippi kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) in southern Illinois