Former Students
(Click on underlined names for more information about corresponding research projects)
Caleb Crawford
M.S. 2021
Project: Influence of land over on northern bobwhite home range and survival at multiple scales in southern Illinois
Farm Bill Biologist - Pheasants and Quail Forever
B.S. 2020
Project: Evaluating hunter use and satisfaction at Oakwood Bottoms Greentree Reservoir
M.S. Student: University of Arkansas at Monticello
Kendra Slown Loubere
M.S. Student
HDMS Data Specialist - Arizona Game and Fish Department
M.S. 2018
Thesis: Migration patterns, habitat use, prey items, and hunter harvest of long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) that overwinter on Lake Michigan
USGS Biologist
M.S. 2017
Thesis: Effect of habitat management on dabbling ducks during spring migration in southwestern Indiana
Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl Biologist
M.S. 2016
Thesis: Response of cavity-nesting birds to aquatic macroinvertebrate availability in the Cache River watershed, southern Illinois
Waterfowl Biologist: Ohio Division of Wildlife
M.S. 2016
Thesis: Factors influencing avian habitat selection between oak-hickory and mesic forests in Southern Illinois
Natural Areas Preservation Specialist for IL DNR
M.S. 2015
Thesis: Determining food resources for American black ducks wintering and spring staging on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
Waterfowl Project Leader for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
Ph. D. 2014
Dissertation: Foraging behavior of ducks during spring migration in the Wabash River Floodplain
Avian Researcher for Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Ph. D. 2014
Dissertation: Factors determining habitat selection by spring migrating waterfowl along the Wabash River, Illinois
Post-Doctoral Research Scientist at Borderlands Research Institute for Natural Resources Management
Luke Hawk
M. S. Student
Sage Grouse Technician
Rich Schultheis
Ph. D. Student
Migratory Bird Specialist with Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism
M. S. 2012
Thesis: Nesting ecology of ducks in dense nesting cover and restored native plantings in northeastern North Dakota
Wildlife Biologist for Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
M. S. 2010
Thesis: Macroinvertebrate and habitat associations in a rehabilitated Illinois River floodplain: Swan Lake, Illinois
Environmental Specialist for University of Iowa
M. S. 2010
Thesis: Mute swan impacts on native waterbirds and submerged aquatic vegetation in Illinois
District Wildlife Biologist for IL DNR
M. S. 2010
Thesis: Upland-nesting ducks in the parklands of Saskatchewan: the effect of predator reduction on nest success and reproductive investment
M. S. 2008
Thesis: Examining cost effectiveness of actively and passively managed wetlands for migrating and wintering waterfowl in southern Illinois
Environmental Consultant at HDR Engineering
M. S. 2008
Thesis: Diet of spring-migrating waterfowl in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes region
Wildlife Biologist at White River National Wildlife Refuge
Dana Varner
M. S. 2008
Thesis: Survival and foraging ecology of interior trumpeter swans
Ph. D. Auburn 2013
Science Coordinator for Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
John Severson
M. S. 2007
Thesis: Wetland habitat enhancement and shoreline stabilization using riprap breakwaters on Kinkaid Lake in southern Illinois
Currently pursuing Ph. D. at University of Idaho
Randy Smith
M. S. 2007
Thesis: Evaluation of waterfowl habitat and spring food selection by mallard and lesser scaup on the Swan Lake, Illinois habitat rehabilitation and enhancement project
Wetland Program Manager with Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Mike Sertle
M. S. 2006
Thesis: Nesting success, gosling growth, and adult body condition of giant canada geese (Branta Canadensis Maxima) in southern Illinois
Regional Biologist with Ducks Unlimited
Eric Lindstrom
M. S. 2005
Thesis: Examining postovulatory follicles of post-breeding mallards: implications for estimates of breeding
Government Affairs Representative with Ducks Unlimited