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Hunter surveys at Oakwood Bottoms
(c) Rusty Bailey

Northern bobwhite nest

Restored grassland

Northern bobwhite with tracking transmitter

Northern bobwhite nest

Sunrise over grassland at Burning Star 5

Sunrise over lake at Burning Star 5

Shrubland bird nestlings

Field sparrow nestlings

Dicksissel nest

Dicksissel singing in a tree

Deer mouse caught in Sherman trap

Eartagging a mouse

Floating eggs to determine development

Radio transmitter on Northern bobwhite

Surveying by canoe in cypress

Vegetation mapping

Mapping inundation

Mapping inundation line

Southern IL forested wetland

Surveying wetland by canoe

Ducks over a study site

Aerial surveys for waterfowl

Goose banding

Performing a flush count

Northern Pintail nest

Experimentally altering habitats
Corn kernels were spread on areas to increase food abundances.

Banded hen Lesser Scaup

Behavior sampling

Foraging waterfowl
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